Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Crazy and Fun Week

This week has been our kick-off for a lot of stuff. First on Sunday, we kicked off our new Sunday School season. We had been doing a lot of leader training and stuff, but everything went very well on Sunday morning. The kids were so excited to be back in their classes. It was great to see the look on the kids' and teachers' faces. I just love working with the people that we do here.

Sunday was also the big kick-off for our small group campaign. We joined a small group of a 4 different couples (we're by far the youngest couple in the group). It is nice to go to a group and not be leading one. The church is great about freeing us up to be ministered to.

Then, just last night, we kicked off our brand new Wed. night program for teens called BRIGADE. We had a great turnout of kids. There was a lot of excitement going on, and I just loved getting into a routine of teaching and hanging out with kids on a regular basis. It really is my passion, and God is going to be doing some amazing things through the group of volunteers that we have working with us. I really couldn't do ministry without the great support of great people around me (did I mention my wife is the best volunteer ever?).