Saturday, April 21, 2007

Spring is here...I hope

We've had a little bit of cold weather the last few weeks. Now, it looks like we may be warming up, and I'm hoping it's for good. I love spring. It's my favorite season, mainly because of the fresh flower blooms all around. My favorite flower is the tulip, and last fall, we planted tulip bulbs. They were beginning to sprout right in time for our cold weather blast and several nights of frost. I was worried that they wouldn't make it, but they did! So, I thought I would share a couple of pictures of them. They aren't a big deal to look at, but they make me happy! And I'm hoping to develop more and more of a green thumb, so here's to the beginning to that endeavor.

I am also helping throw a baby shower for someone here in Indiana, and was very excited to figure out how to make a diaper cake. Here is a picture of that as well! If you are interested in directions, here is one set of directions I found:


Professor Howdy said...

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jess! Impressive! Funny how our parents, grandparents did things like this & it was NOTHING to them, and we get so excited if we finally figure something like this out. (Speaking for myself, of course). You are definitely a domesticated woman & I'm sure make your family proud! I admire your talent! Your baby will be very blessed to have such a talented mommy :)

Love & miss you,