Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Family Ties: Showing Teens How Strong Families Function

The Barna Group released a graphic yesterday about showing teens how strong families function.  Take a look at it here:

I was not a part of this survey, but if I had been, here is how I would have responded.  I believe that exposing teens to healthy families is a major part of our strategy.  And here's why.

Around all of our children's and teen environments we talk about a 5 things that every kid needs.  Here are a couple of those...

1. Another Voice - Another adult saying the same thing that a Christian Parent would say.

Teens need to hear positive messages about life, and faith and everything in between.  Often they hear it from home (sometimes not), and they need those messages reinforced.  So many times teens feel as if their family is the only one with rules, or curfews or whatever it is that they want and aren't getting.  Our Small Group Leaders come alongside existing families to show teens what healthy boundaries look like in their life.

2. Someone Else - Another teen who believes what they believe.

That's why every week our teens spend quality time with their friends talking about their faith.  Most of our groups have a mix of family dynamics.  When students are allowed to talk about what's going on in their life they can encourage one another away from the emotion of what's going on in another teen's life.

Teens NEED to see positive family dynamics.  Yes, our primary purpose is sharing the Gospel.  But part of the gospel is the good news of how that's lived out in our daily lives - and yes, that includes at home.