Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Haiti - Part 2

Day 2 - Work Began

Our trips have always been lead by a couple in our church who loves missions. John and his wife, Jan, are missions "junkies" as Jan describes herself. One of the things that John makes sure happens on our trips is that we always have time for devotions and debrief. Personal and group devotions in the morning, and group devotions and debrief each night.

The first morning John challenged us to write out 3 things that we choose to do after he read the "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Here are my 3 things:
  1. I will choose to see God's work when it is difficult
  2. I will choose to see God's provision when I'm tired, hungry and need a shower.
  3. I will choose to have the attitude of Christ when someone rubs me the wrong way.

If I'm honest, I struggled with #1 & 3. I get cynical when people don't "get it" when it comes to people or what we're doing or something like that. And basically I defeat the purpose of me being upset with them by my doing the exact same thing to them. (Journal entry March 21, 2011)

It's always nice to have our debrief time at the end of the day. That night I talked to John about my struggles with cynicism towards my team members and was able to move in a positive direction for the remainder of the trip.

Daily devotions and debrief is a MUST on a trip like this. It helps you process with God what you're experiencing and process with one another. You get to hear someone else's perspective on what God is teaching and showing them. And that, my friends, is beautiful!