Saturday, August 06, 2011

Called to Ministry - Part 3

For the last couple of days I've written about the calling to ministry, and in particular my calling to ministry, and things I try to remind myself of when things are going well.

Today I want to talk about the calling when things don't go so well. Light I mentioned yesterday, things are going well for me, but I also realize that it's not always going to stay this way. Life happens. Ministry cycles happen. Sin happens. Tough situations that are our of our control happen. And when things aren't going as planned, I want to be reminded of these things. I believe that have to make have planned for bad times in order to know how we want to react, because in the emotion of those times, often times we're not thinking clearly.

Here are the things I want to be reminded of when things don't go as planned:
  1. Stay Humble - Nothing like a swift kick to the pants gets me more bent our of shape, and proudly puffing out my chest with the war cry of "don't you know I'm called by God? Don't you realize who I am?" When things aren't going well, I need to reminded of who called me, and whose I am. I'm still his child, and HE is still in control - even if I'm not.
  2. Stay in the Word - Nothing will comfort me or give me strength like the Word of God. Nothing reminds me better that ministry doesn't always look successful like the word of God (see Isaiah 6:9-13). Nothing reminds me that life is too often out of our control like the word of God (see Job 1:6-12).
  3. Keep Learning - Keep reading blogs. Other people are having rough times too, and they often have some great insight into how dig out of the hole. Keep reading books. Great men and women have learned to rely on God's strength during times of uncertainty. Keep listening to leadership podcasts. Great leaders know how to cast vision and rally the team to better things.
I realize that this list is just like yesterday's. But I also believe that consistency is virtue that needs to be lived out (you may have read 'conistency' as 'boring'). I want to be consistent in my faith, and my leadership. I want to be a 'no matter what' kind of man and leader.

What would you add to this list? What would you take out? Would love to hear what God has taught you about calling.