Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Technology I Use: Group Text!

If you aren't leveraging the use of text messaging with teens, you aren't communicating with them.  Period.  One of the ways that I use texting with my students is Group Text!

With Group Text! you can set up different groups and mass text them all at the same time.  The app integrates into the native messages app on your iPhone, and works great every time.

Here a few of the ways that I use it:

1.  Texting my small group.  I have a group of just my small group of guys.  I'll text them reminders of assignments or things they need to remember to bring.  The nice thing about the app is I can text them all at once, but when they reply it's just a conversation between me and that particular student at that point.

2.  Texting Students on a Trip.  Before trips that we take I input all the students' cell phone numbers into my phone and then set up a group in Group Text!  Then I can remind them of bus departure times.  Seating sections we're sitting in if we're in a large arena.  I also love to ask them what breakouts they went to and what was the one big takeaway that they got from the session.  I also input all the trip sponsors into this list.

3.  Texting Volunteers.  Again, reminders about meetings, notifications, and anything that I need to communicate with them.