Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thoughts on Camp - A New Generation

This summer I had the opportunity to go back to the camp that I grew up going to as a child. I had the privilege of speaking to the Junior High camp - if I'm honest, probably my favorite group to work with.

The theme of the week was Encounter - Never the Same, and we talked through different encounters that people had with Jesus, and how from that point, they were never the same.

Probably the coolest thing about camp this year, for Jessica and I was watching students that had been in our family groups, now leading family groups of their own.

I'm just now starting to be in ministry for long enough to watch a new generation of leaders begin to emerge, and I love it. I see it in my own ministry to children and students. And I got to see it at camp this last week as well. There is nothing cooler than to watch someone get it and then teach others.

A couple of thoughts about this:
  1. There need to be more opportunities for students to lead and serve now. My dad did this for me often - and it paid off. Check out this old post.
  2. It's not always going to be like we would do it - and that's ok. It's not suppose to be. They are going to do it different - and sometimes better.
How are you investing in this generation of new leaders?